Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Do I have to use markers to colorize the tops?

A – No. You can use colored pencils, pens, or even paint. But with paint, wait for the paint to dry completely or the paint may splatter.


Q – Why do my markers smudge the black on my prints?

A -It’s either the type of markers or the type of printer you’re using. There are two most commonly used markers: water-based and alcohol-based (permanent).

      If you use an inkjet printer (water-based inks), use alcohol-based markers. If you use laser printers, both types of markers should work. If it does bleed, be very careful when coloring next to the lines. Test them on a different part of the printout.

     You can take the printout to a copy machine and print on card stock, then it shouldn’t smudge. It’s an extra step, but may be worth it!


Q – Do I have to follow the designs that are printed?

A – No. But for the lessons we advise that you do, because those designs are created specifically for the exercises in each lesson. When you’re using the other designs that are supplied (bonus tops), you can add or combine sections if you want. Experiment and have fun!


Q – Can I modify the tops to spin longer?

A – Yes. First It depends on the paper you use. The thicker the paper (heavier) the longer it will spin. That’s why we recommend card stock. After you print your tops and colorize them, glue another piece of card stock to the back. Then cut it out and construct the top. The stem also matters (see next question).


Q – Why do you recommend the wood stem as opposed to the paper stem?

A – The wooden stem will spin longer and it’s easier to make. The paper stem moves more while spinning.


Q – My top started to slip and I can’t get it to spin. Do I have to make another top or can I fix this one?

A – Yes, you can fix this one. You can glue the arms to the stem with white or hot glue. Be careful to glue evenly around the stem. If you have more glue on one side, the top will wobble. Make sure the glue is completely dried before spinning. 

     If your top slips from the very beginning, there are two possible reasons: the hole for the stem is too big, or the stem is too thin. Either use a thicker stem or for the next top, make the hole smaller.


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